2016-17 Volleyball Statistics - Sinclair Community College

Kills per set
Hitting %
Assists per set
Blocks per set
Service Aces per set
Digs per set
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 26-8 (.765)
Conference 12-2 (.857)
Streak Lost 1
Home 7-2
Away 10-1
Neutral 9-5
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Oct 28 at Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-2
Oct 29 at Lakeland Community College W, 3-1
Nov 4 vs. Edison State Community College W, 3-0
Nov 5 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0
Nov 5 vs. Edison State Community College W, 3-0
Nov 5 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Matches 34 7th 14 17th
Sets 119 7th 49 17th
Kills 1329 8th 575 9th
Kills per set 11.17 7th 11.73 5th
Errors 452 19th 167 22nd
Total Attacks 3816 7th 1605 10th
Hitting Percentage .230 4th .254 3rd
Assists 1272 5th 549 7th
Assists per set 10.69 5th 11.20 6th
Service Aces 213 9th 79 12th
Service Errors 194 10th 66 18th
Service Aces per set 1.79 10th 1.61 10th
Receptions 1988 9th 855 13th
Reception Errors 267 5th 113 9th
Digs 1909 10th 722 15th
Digs per set 16.04 12th 14.73 16th
Block Solo 100 11th 49 11th
Block Assist 178 16th 84 17th
Block Total 189 16th 91 16th
Blocks per set 1.59 19th 1.86 12th
Block Errors 509 1st 250 1st
Ball Handling Errors 95 9th 49 9th
Points 1731.0 9th 745.0 10th
Points per set 14.5 10th 15.2 7th
Home Attendance 0 10th 0 24th
Home Attendance average 0 10th 0 24th
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
2 Caroline Smith Fr S 33 113 42 0.37 9 116 .284 1042 9.22 44 0.39 2 1 218 1.93 0 1 1 0.01 86.5 0.8
4 Morgan Leeson So LB 32 111 2 0.02 1 4 .250 9 0.08 23 0.21 526 78 420 3.78 0 0 0 0.00 25.0 0.2
5 Marta Robinson Fr RS 8 12 8 0.67 3 16 .313 1 0.08 2 0.17 1 0 8 0.67 0 4 4 0.33 12.0 1.0
6 Abigail Bertke So MB 34 116 108 0.93 17 300 .303 14 0.12 24 0.21 38 3 127 1.09 26 44 70 0.60 180.0 1.6
7 Sarah Bettinger Fr OH 34 116 344 2.97 120 1034 .217 11 0.09 59 0.51 377 66 321 2.77 4 20 24 0.21 417.0 3.6
8 Lauren Roetgerman So RS 29 99 177 1.79 86 601 .151 31 0.31 29 0.29 334 48 183 1.85 17 34 51 0.52 240.0 2.4
9 Chelsea Anderson Fr MB 21 42 24 0.57 12 85 .141 1 0.02 0 0.00 14 0 14 0.33 5 5 10 0.24 31.5 0.8
10 Kaithlin Dunn Fr MB 6 8 6 0.75 1 10 .500 0 0.00 1 0.13 1 0 3 0.38 2 0 2 0.25 9.0 1.1
11 AjA Howard Fr MB 32 80 38 0.47 15 115 .200 5 0.06 1 0.01 24 6 15 0.19 26 33 59 0.74 81.5 1.0
13 Meg Reineke So OH 34 117 540 4.62 179 1400 .258 22 0.19 23 0.20 636 58 501 4.28 14 26 40 0.34 590.0 5.0
14 Michaela McGaffic Fr MB 7 9 2 0.22 1 13 .077 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0 5 0.56 1 2 3 0.33 4.0 0.4
17 Emily Witker So RS 22 55 33 0.60 8 106 .236 5 0.09 4 0.07 31 7 52 0.95 5 9 14 0.25 46.5 0.8
25 Brooke Artz So S 22 47 5 0.11 0 16 .313 131 2.79 3 0.06 1 0 42 0.89 0 0 0 0.00 8.0 0.2
Totals     34 119 1329 11.17 452 3816 .230 1272 10.69 213 1.79 1988 267 1909 16.04 100 178 189 1.59 1731.0 14.5
Opponent     34 119 1014 8.52 527 2879 .169 879 7.39 117 0.98 - 166 1562 13.13 95 251 221 1.85 1351.5 11.4
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
2 Caroline Smith Fr S 13 44 14 0.32 6 48 .167 426 9.68 12 0.27 0 0 74 1.68 0 1 1 0.02 26.5 0.6
4 Morgan Leeson So LB 12 41 0 0.00 0 0 - 6 0.15 6 0.15 188 26 135 3.29 0 0 0 0.00 6.0 0.1
5 Marta Robinson Fr RS 2 2 1 0.50 0 2 .500 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 1.0 0.5
6 Abigail Bertke So MB 14 49 54 1.10 5 135 .363 5 0.10 8 0.16 26 3 53 1.08 16 25 41 0.84 90.5 1.8
7 Sarah Bettinger Fr OH 14 49 139 2.84 40 421 .235 5 0.10 25 0.51 175 28 132 2.69 2 11 13 0.27 171.5 3.5
8 Lauren Roetgerman So RS 14 49 104 2.12 42 306 .203 12 0.24 14 0.29 188 25 82 1.67 9 18 27 0.55 136.0 2.8
9 Chelsea Anderson Fr MB 7 10 5 0.50 1 20 .200 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 0 3 0.30 2 1 3 0.30 7.5 0.8
10 Kaithlin Dunn Fr MB 1 1 1 1.00 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 1.0 1.0
11 AjA Howard Fr MB 13 38 17 0.45 4 56 .232 1 0.03 0 0.00 20 4 12 0.32 12 12 24 0.63 35.0 0.9
13 Meg Reineke So OH 14 49 232 4.73 67 581 .284 8 0.16 12 0.24 254 27 198 4.04 7 11 18 0.37 256.5 5.2
14 Michaela McGaffic Fr MB 2 2 0 0.00 1 1 -1.000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 1 0.50 0 1 1 0.50 0.5 0.3
17 Emily Witker So RS 11 25 5 0.20 1 24 .167 2 0.08 0 0.00 1 0 4 0.16 1 4 5 0.20 8.0 0.3
25 Brooke Artz So S 13 31 3 0.10 0 10 .300 84 2.71 2 0.06 0 0 28 0.90 0 0 0 0.00 5.0 0.2
Totals     14 49 575 11.73 167 1605 .254 549 11.20 79 1.61 855 113 722 14.73 49 84 91 1.86 745.0 15.2
Opponent     14 49 487 9.94 255 1264 .184 406 8.29 54 1.10 - 76 662 13.51 53 93 100 2.03 640.5 13.1
Download roster: VRO (First Last) | VRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score s k e ta pct a sa se r re digs bs ba be tot bhe pts
Sep 1 Vincennes University L, 3-0 3 24 9 78 .192 23 4 8 0 0 35 3 0 4 3 3 31.0
Sep 2 vs. Mott Community College W, 3-2 5 66 21 163 .276 66 9 11 86 7 83 1 0 9 1 5 76.0
Sep 2 vs. Muskegon Community College L, 3-2 5 46 33 166 .078 47 4 9 103 9 91 1 4 3 3 3 53.0
Sep 3 vs. St. Clair County Community College W, 3-1 4 55 14 139 .295 53 9 7 82 12 57 4 8 14 8 1 72.0
Sep 3 vs. Lansing Community College W, 3-0 3 31 15 88 .182 30 6 4 49 7 20 2 4 14 4 4 41.0
Sep 4 vs. Waubonsee Community College L, 3-1 4 37 23 138 .101 36 15 7 74 15 51 2 10 11 7 2 59.0
Sep 4 vs. Schoolcraft College L, 3-1 4 29 30 124 -.008 27 4 9 76 22 37 3 10 20 8 2 41.0
Sep 9 vs. Oakland Community College W, 3-1 4 46 18 140 .200 43 4 3 82 14 115 5 6 21 8 6 58.0
Sep 9 vs. Columbus State Community College W, 3-2 5 50 20 147 .204 49 9 8 93 15 112 1 0 21 1 4 60.0
Sep 10 vs. mercyhurst W, 3-0 3 37 6 76 .408 35 4 7 41 6 51 2 2 10 3 3 44.0
Sep 10 vs. Lansing Community College W, 3-0 3 31 13 88 .205 30 6 1 40 7 51 3 0 3 3 4 40.0
Sep 14 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 3 32 14 108 .167 31 7 3 45 5 63 0 5 11 3 3 41.5
Sep 16 at Owens Community College L, 3-0 3 25 10 95 .158 25 0 6 66 32 48 3 6 9 6 4 31.0
Sep 17 at Lorain County Community College W, 3-0 3 29 9 85 .235 26 7 5 61 10 25 4 9 20 9 5 44.5
Sep 20 Cedarvile U. JV Team W, 3-0 3 32 6 84 .310 31 14 4 27 2 26 4 10 6 9 0 55.0
Sep 23 Lakeland Community College W, 3-2 5 57 15 159 .264 54 5 5 87 12 63 0 10 24 5 1 67.0
Sep 24 Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-0 3 30 7 78 .295 29 11 4 45 5 16 4 12 6 10 6 51.0
Sep 28 Columbus State Community College W, 3-1 4 57 17 150 .267 55 8 4 64 3 112 1 4 16 3 7 68.0
Sep 30 at Cedarville U. (JV Team) W, 3-0 3 37 7 90 .333 31 4 4 30 5 51 2 4 8 4 1 45.0
Oct 1 Edison State Community College W, 3-0 3 47 4 114 .377 43 4 5 53 1 50 3 0 22 3 0 54.0
Oct 7 Lorain County Community College W, 3-0 3 35 15 100 .200 34 6 4 50 4 38 2 5 21 5 1 45.5
Oct 8 at Hocking College W, 3-0 3 35 19 101 .158 35 5 3 53 3 66 6 6 13 9 3 49.0
Oct 12 at Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 3 37 12 120 .208 34 5 5 43 9 41 5 2 16 6 10 48.0
Oct 13 at Miami U. - Middletown Campus W, 3-0 3 38 10 78 .359 36 12 4 23 0 48 0 0 4 0 0 50.0
Oct 15 at Edison State Community College W, 3-0 3 40 7 74 .446 39 4 10 39 3 24 5 6 11 8 2 52.0
Oct 19 at University of Cincinnati-Claermont W, 3-0 3 38 5 93 .355 38 7 10 36 3 48 2 4 10 4 3 49.0
Oct 21 Owens Community College L, 3-0 3 25 13 83 .145 25 5 0 65 9 39 7 11 31 13 2 42.5
Oct 22 at Columbus State Community College W, 3-1 4 55 17 150 .253 56 6 3 81 8 59 3 5 23 6 4 66.5
Oct 28 at Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-2 5 52 17 142 .246 47 7 10 81 7 57 8 0 13 8 1 67.0
Oct 29 at Lakeland Community College W, 3-1 4 54 10 147 .299 51 4 2 75 5 87 4 9 27 9 3 66.5
Nov 4 vs. Edison State Community College W, 3-0 3 42 6 116 .310 39 6 11 59 5 74 4 10 20 9 0 57.0
Nov 5 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0 3 20 11 89 .101 18 4 6 67 9 47 2 8 29 6 0 30.0
Nov 5 vs. Edison State Community College W, 3-0 3 37 5 102 .314 35 5 9 44 6 65 3 2 15 4 1 46.0
Nov 5 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0 3 23 14 111 .081 21 3 3 68 7 59 1 6 24 4 1 30.0
m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
Total 34 119 1329 11.17 452 3816 .230 1272 10.69 213 1.79 1988 267 1909 16.04 100 178 189 1.59 1731.0 14.5
Conference 14 49 575 11.73 167 1605 .254 549 11.20 79 1.61 855 113 722 14.73 49 84 91 1.86 745.0 15.2
Exhibition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 9 30 339 11.30 100 954 .251 325 10.83 64 2.13 436 41 442 14.73 24 57 53 1.75 455.5 15.2
Away 11 37 440 11.89 123 1175 .270 418 11.30 61 1.65 588 85 554 14.97 42 51 68 1.82 568.5 15.4
Neutral 14 52 550 10.58 229 1687 .190 529 10.17 88 1.69 964 141 913 17.56 34 70 69 1.33 707.0 13.6
Wins 26 91 1100 12.09 309 2932 .270 1050 11.54 174 1.91 1469 164 1502 16.51 78 123 140 1.53 1413.5 15.5
Losses 8 28 229 8.18 143 884 .097 222 7.93 39 1.39 519 103 407 14.54 22 55 50 1.77 317.5 11.3
September 19 70 751 10.73 287 2196 .211 721 10.30 130 1.86 1151 188 1107 15.81 45 104 97 1.39 978.0 14.0
October 11 37 456 12.32 129 1202 .272 438 11.84 65 1.76 599 52 557 15.05 45 48 69 1.86 590.0 15.9
November 4 12 122 10.17 36 418 .206 113 9.42 18 1.50 238 27 245 20.42 10 26 23 1.92 163.0 13.6
Date Opponent Score Attend
Sep 1 Vincennes University L, 3-0 0
Sep 2 vs. Mott Community College W, 3-2 0
Sep 2 vs. Muskegon Community College L, 3-2 0
Sep 3 vs. St. Clair County Community College W, 3-1 150
Sep 3 vs. Lansing Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 4 vs. Waubonsee Community College L, 3-1 0
Sep 4 vs. Schoolcraft College L, 3-1 0
Sep 9 vs. Oakland Community College W, 3-1 0
Sep 9 vs. Columbus State Community College W, 3-2 0
Sep 10 vs. mercyhurst W, 3-0 0
Sep 10 vs. Lansing Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 14 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 0
Sep 16 at Owens Community College L, 3-0 375
Sep 17 at Lorain County Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 20 Cedarvile U. JV Team W, 3-0 0
Sep 23 Lakeland Community College W, 3-2 0
Sep 24 Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 28 Columbus State Community College W, 3-1 0
Sep 30 at Cedarville U. (JV Team) W, 3-0 0
Oct 1 Edison State Community College W, 3-0 0
Oct 7 Lorain County Community College W, 3-0 0
Oct 8 at Hocking College W, 3-0 0
Oct 12 at Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 0
Oct 13 at Miami U. - Middletown Campus W, 3-0 0
Oct 15 at Edison State Community College W, 3-0 0
Oct 19 at University of Cincinnati-Claermont W, 3-0 0
Oct 21 Owens Community College L, 3-0 0
Oct 22 at Columbus State Community College W, 3-1 0
Oct 28 at Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-2 0
Oct 29 at Lakeland Community College W, 3-1 0
Nov 4 vs. Edison State Community College W, 3-0 0
Nov 5 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0 0
Nov 5 vs. Edison State Community College W, 3-0 0
Nov 5 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0 0