2016-17 Volleyball Statistics - Henry Ford College

Kills per set
Hitting %
Assists per set
Blocks per set
Service Aces per set
Digs per set
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 2-16 (.111)
Conference 1-11 (.083)
Streak Lost 1
Home 1-5
Away 0-6
Neutral 1-5
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Oct 15 vs. Alpena Community College W, 3-1
Oct 18 Schoolcraft College L, 3-0
Oct 20 at Mott Community College L, 3-0
Oct 22 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0
Oct 22 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-2
Oct 25 St. Clair County Community College L, 3-0
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Matches 18 25th 12 19th
Sets 61 25th 39 24th
Kills 460 23rd 286 22nd
Kills per set 7.54 21st 7.33 20th
Errors 315 22nd 224 15th
Total Attacks 1556 23rd 1005 22nd
Hitting Percentage .093 24th .062 23rd
Assists 415 23rd 260 21st
Assists per set 6.80 18th 6.67 20th
Service Aces 84 22nd 50 20th
Service Errors 137 17th 88 7th
Service Aces per set 1.38 15th 1.28 15th
Receptions 1231 20th 760 17th
Reception Errors 133 20th 91 13th
Digs 691 23rd 473 22nd
Digs per set 11.33 22nd 12.13 20th
Block Solo 50 21st 30 17th
Block Assist 50 22nd 30 21st
Block Total 75 24th 45 23rd
Blocks per set 1.23 24th 1.15 22nd
Block Errors 99 16th 69 14th
Ball Handling Errors 43 19th 32 13th
Points 619.0 23rd 381.0 22nd
Points per set 10.1 22nd 9.8 21st
Home Attendance 200 6th 200 6th
Home Attendance average 34 4th 40 6th
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
1 Nesreen Ezzeddine Fr DS 15 32 1 0.03 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 3 0.09 8 1 6 0.19 0 0 0 0.00 4.0 0.1
3 Zaria Walker Fr MH 18 61 134 2.20 62 312 .231 3 0.05 7 0.11 4 0 21 0.34 16 12 28 0.46 163.0 2.7
4 Alexis Fleming Fr DS 17 55 0 0.00 0 4 .000 6 0.11 13 0.24 108 13 57 1.04 0 0 0 0.00 13.0 0.2
5 Cheyenne Lacinski Fr OH 18 61 102 1.67 78 358 .067 6 0.10 26 0.43 259 23 123 2.02 7 7 14 0.23 138.5 2.3
6 Shelby Kelemen Fr DS 16 53 2 0.04 3 9 -.111 7 0.13 6 0.11 232 29 130 2.45 0 0 0 0.00 8.0 0.2
7 Torianna Allen-Cook Fr OH 18 61 87 1.43 79 338 .024 17 0.28 0 0.00 342 35 130 2.13 3 4 7 0.11 92.0 1.5
11 Karly Bourasaw Fr OH 18 61 15 0.25 19 78 -.051 10 0.16 13 0.21 248 25 99 1.62 0 1 1 0.02 28.5 0.5
12 Victoria Konan Fr MH 14 49 62 1.27 39 216 .106 4 0.08 0 0.00 2 1 10 0.20 16 10 26 0.53 83.0 1.7
13 Macey Clements So S 18 61 33 0.54 13 130 .154 359 5.89 15 0.25 7 1 108 1.77 1 7 8 0.13 52.5 0.9
14 Hunter Iuliano Fr OH 18 60 24 0.40 22 110 .018 3 0.05 1 0.02 21 5 7 0.12 7 9 16 0.27 36.5 0.6
Totals     18 61 460 7.54 315 1556 .093 415 6.80 84 1.38 1231 133 691 11.33 50 50 75 1.23 619.0 10.1
Opponent     18 61 577 9.46 193 1388 .277 522 8.56 111 1.82 - 104 865 14.18 68 149 143 2.34 830.5 13.6
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
1 Nesreen Ezzeddine Fr DS 11 25 1 0.04 0 1 1.000 0 0.00 2 0.08 6 1 6 0.24 0 0 0 0.00 3.0 0.1
3 Zaria Walker Fr MH 12 39 88 2.26 47 210 .195 3 0.08 6 0.15 3 0 12 0.31 9 7 16 0.41 106.5 2.7
4 Alexis Fleming Fr DS 12 38 0 0.00 0 1 .000 2 0.05 8 0.21 91 13 52 1.37 0 0 0 0.00 8.0 0.2
5 Cheyenne Lacinski Fr OH 12 39 59 1.51 53 220 .027 4 0.10 19 0.49 144 11 82 2.10 4 3 7 0.18 83.5 2.1
6 Shelby Kelemen Fr DS 10 31 1 0.03 3 5 -.400 2 0.06 3 0.10 142 19 73 2.35 0 0 0 0.00 4.0 0.1
7 Torianna Allen-Cook Fr OH 12 39 59 1.51 58 229 .004 14 0.36 0 0.00 214 25 90 2.31 3 3 6 0.15 63.5 1.6
11 Karly Bourasaw Fr OH 12 39 2 0.05 10 31 -.258 3 0.08 4 0.10 146 19 64 1.64 0 1 1 0.03 6.5 0.2
12 Victoria Konan Fr MH 10 33 42 1.27 27 137 .109 4 0.12 0 0.00 0 0 10 0.30 8 5 13 0.39 52.5 1.6
13 Macey Clements So S 12 39 18 0.46 9 95 .095 226 5.79 7 0.18 5 1 78 2.00 0 5 5 0.13 27.5 0.7
14 Hunter Iuliano Fr OH 12 38 16 0.42 17 76 -.013 2 0.05 1 0.03 9 2 6 0.16 6 6 12 0.32 26.0 0.7
Totals     12 39 286 7.33 224 1005 .062 260 6.67 50 1.28 760 91 473 12.13 30 30 45 1.15 381.0 9.8
Opponent     12 39 396 10.15 126 932 .290 351 9.00 82 2.10 - 80 567 14.54 46 100 96 2.46 574.0 14.7
Download roster: VRO (First Last) | VRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score s k e ta pct a sa se r re digs bs ba be tot bhe pts
Aug 16 # at Concordia University   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aug 22 # University of Michigan, Dearborn   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sep 2 vs. Columbus State Community College L, 3-1 4 29 14 112 .134 29 5 12 118 14 21 6 4 0 8 1 42.0
Sep 2 vs. Lorain County Community College L, 3-1 4 22 17 88 .057 22 10 6 111 11 8 3 0 0 3 2 35.0
Sep 13 at Macomb Community College L, 3-0 3 18 15 67 .045 18 4 7 75 16 13 1 0 6 1 7 23.0
Sep 17 vs. Glen Oaks Community College L, 3-0 3 31 13 58 .310 24 6 9 74 2 40 3 0 6 3 0 40.0
Sep 17 vs. Marian Universitys Ancilla L, 3-0 3 27 11 52 .308 27 5 5 64 3 61 2 6 3 5 2 37.0
Sep 20 Oakland Community College L, 3-0 3 24 19 56 .089 23 2 5 67 8 50 1 2 2 2 0 28.0
Sep 22 at Schoolcraft College L, 3-0 3 10 17 37 -.189 10 0 5 62 6 36 1 6 3 4 3 14.0
Sep 27 Mott Community College L, 3-1 4 26 27 92 -.011 23 5 12 83 2 53 3 0 0 3 2 34.0
Oct 4 at St. Clair County Community College L, 3-0 3 13 21 60 -.133 0 3 7 65 6 35 0 6 12 3 4 19.0
Oct 6 Macomb Community College L, 3-0 3 25 20 63 .079 25 6 7 59 2 56 1 0 1 1 0 32.0
Oct 11 at Oakland Community College L, 3-0 3 28 19 82 .110 26 5 6 60 3 42 2 0 2 2 2 35.0
Oct 15 at Alpena Community College L, 3-1 4 30 19 119 .092 28 6 8 62 8 56 7 2 5 8 4 44.0
Oct 15 vs. Alpena Community College W, 3-1 4 48 23 167 .150 47 10 12 69 10 56 5 6 17 8 2 66.0
Oct 18 Schoolcraft College L, 3-0 3 15 17 84 -.024 15 2 5 52 12 24 2 4 6 4 2 21.0
Oct 20 at Mott Community College L, 3-0 3 20 15 76 .066 17 3 6 53 12 27 3 0 7 3 6 26.0
Oct 22 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0 3 15 13 66 .030 15 1 5 36 3 18 2 4 6 4 1 20.0
Oct 22 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-2 5 50 23 175 .154 38 7 12 68 9 70 4 6 15 7 5 64.0
Oct 25 St. Clair County Community College L, 3-0 3 29 12 102 .167 28 4 8 53 6 25 4 4 8 6 0 39.0
m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
Total 18 61 460 7.54 315 1556 .093 415 6.80 84 1.38 1231 133 691 11.33 50 50 75 1.23 619.0 10.1
Conference 12 39 286 7.33 224 1005 .062 260 6.67 50 1.28 760 91 473 12.13 30 30 45 1.15 381.0 9.8
Exhibition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 6 21 169 8.05 118 572 .089 152 7.24 26 1.24 382 39 278 13.24 15 16 23 1.10 218.0 10.4
Away 6 19 119 6.26 106 441 .029 99 5.21 21 1.11 377 51 209 11.00 14 14 21 1.11 161.0 8.5
Neutral 6 21 172 8.19 91 543 .149 164 7.81 37 1.76 472 43 204 9.71 21 20 31 1.48 240.0 11.4
Wins 2 9 98 10.89 46 342 .152 85 9.44 17 1.89 137 19 126 14.00 9 12 15 1.67 130.0 14.4
Losses 16 52 362 6.96 269 1214 .077 330 6.35 67 1.29 1094 114 565 10.87 41 38 60 1.15 489.0 9.4
September 8 27 187 6.93 133 562 .096 176 6.52 37 1.37 654 62 282 10.44 20 18 29 1.07 253.0 9.4
October 10 34 273 8.03 182 994 .092 239 7.03 47 1.38 577 71 409 12.03 30 32 46 1.35 366.0 10.8
Date Opponent Score Attend
Aug 16 at Concordia University   -
Aug 22 University of Michigan, Dearborn   -
Sep 2 vs. Columbus State Community College L, 3-1 0
Sep 2 vs. Lorain County Community College L, 3-1 0
Sep 13 at Macomb Community College L, 3-0 0
Sep 17 vs. Glen Oaks Community College L, 3-0 0
Sep 17 vs. Marian Universitys Ancilla L, 3-0 0
Sep 20 Oakland Community College L, 3-0 0
Sep 22 at Schoolcraft College L, 3-0 70
Sep 27 Mott Community College L, 3-1 0
Oct 4 at St. Clair County Community College L, 3-0 250
Oct 6 Macomb Community College L, 3-0 0
Oct 11 at Oakland Community College L, 3-0 0
Oct 15 at Alpena Community College L, 3-1 0
Oct 15 vs. Alpena Community College W, 3-1 0
Oct 18 Schoolcraft College L, 3-0 0
Oct 20 at Mott Community College L, 3-0 0
Oct 22 vs. Owens Community College L, 3-0 0
Oct 22 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-2 0
Oct 25 St. Clair County Community College L, 3-0 200