2016-17 Volleyball Statistics - Marian Universitys Ancilla

Kills per set
Hitting %
Assists per set
Blocks per set
Service Aces per set
Digs per set
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 23-9 (.719)
Conference 11-5 (.688)
Streak Lost 1
Home 7-2
Away 8-3
Neutral 8-4
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Oct 25 at Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-1
Oct 27 Muskegon Community College L, 3-1
Nov 4 vs. Oakland Community College W, 3-2
Nov 5 vs. Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-0
Nov 5 vs. St. Clair County Community College W, 3-2
Nov 5 vs. Muskegon Community College L, 3-0
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Matches 31 10th 16 8th
Sets 111 13th 60 4th
Kills 1331 7th 694 1st
Kills per set 11.99 3rd 11.57 7th
Errors 499 11th 306 4th
Total Attacks 3801 8th 2069 1st
Hitting Percentage .219 6th .188 12th
Assists 1239 7th 643 3rd
Assists per set 11.16 4th 10.72 7th
Service Aces 166 14th 86 11th
Service Errors 144 16th 73 14th
Service Aces per set 1.50 14th 1.43 13th
Receptions 1858 10th 1027 6th
Reception Errors 147 18th 80 16th
Digs 2099 5th 1074 2nd
Digs per set 18.91 1st 17.90 5th
Block Solo 83 14th 43 13th
Block Assist 304 8th 175 5th
Block Total 235 9th 131 6th
Blocks per set 2.12 9th 2.17 8th
Block Errors 152 10th 102 5th
Ball Handling Errors 102 7th 52 7th
Points 1732.0 8th 910.5 3rd
Points per set 15.6 5th 15.2 8th
Home Attendance 200 6th 200 6th
Home Attendance average 23 7th 25 8th
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
1 Magdalene Gingerich Fr S 27 96 58 0.60 26 206 .155 273 2.84 11 0.11 65 4 115 1.20 2 23 25 0.26 82.5 0.9
3 Xena Newland Fr OH 29 61 50 0.82 30 157 .127 7 0.11 2 0.03 46 6 26 0.43 1 16 17 0.28 61.0 1.0
4 Natalee Walters So DS 29 98 11 0.11 25 111 -.126 17 0.17 26 0.27 494 31 468 4.78 0 0 0 0.00 37.0 0.4
6 Samantha Brenneman So OH 31 106 199 1.88 78 517 .234 6 0.06 22 0.21 96 7 58 0.55 20 46 66 0.62 264.0 2.5
7 Bayli Fearnow So RS 28 56 16 0.29 19 67 -.045 6 0.11 5 0.09 99 14 90 1.61 1 1 2 0.04 22.5 0.4
8 Victoria Bush So MB 31 92 123 1.34 81 390 .108 9 0.10 3 0.03 106 13 30 0.33 9 60 69 0.75 165.0 1.8
9 Sydney Harmon Fr MB 31 75 52 0.69 22 179 .168 6 0.08 11 0.15 96 14 40 0.53 16 43 59 0.79 100.5 1.3
10 Jill Brown So OH 30 105 118 1.12 42 451 .169 12 0.11 16 0.15 342 20 347 3.30 8 22 30 0.29 153.0 1.5
11 Jackie Friel So S 31 111 27 0.24 8 149 .128 626 5.64 34 0.31 3 0 289 2.60 0 2 2 0.02 62.0 0.6
12 Autumn Taylor Fr OH 31 108 289 2.68 117 766 .225 7 0.06 21 0.19 360 19 274 2.54 10 21 31 0.29 330.5 3.1
14 Maddie Price So DS 31 108 5 0.05 3 34 .059 223 2.06 14 0.13 124 13 279 2.58 0 0 0 0.00 19.0 0.2
15 Darrian Mowery Fr MB 30 103 383 3.72 48 774 .433 47 0.46 1 0.01 26 6 83 0.81 16 70 86 0.83 435.0 4.2
Totals     31 111 1331 11.99 499 3801 .219 1239 11.16 166 1.50 1858 147 2099 18.91 83 304 235 2.12 1732.0 15.6
Opponent     31 111 1028 9.26 490 3147 .171 968 8.72 157 1.41 - 187 1662 14.97 110 174 197 1.77 1382.0 12.5
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
1 Magdalene Gingerich Fr S 15 56 46 0.82 21 143 .175 130 2.32 6 0.11 47 3 65 1.16 2 16 18 0.32 62.0 1.1
3 Xena Newland Fr OH 14 30 25 0.83 20 85 .059 3 0.10 2 0.07 15 2 14 0.47 0 5 5 0.17 29.5 1.0
4 Natalee Walters So DS 16 56 7 0.13 19 73 -.164 9 0.16 15 0.27 276 14 234 4.18 0 0 0 0.00 22.0 0.4
6 Samantha Brenneman So OH 16 57 93 1.63 44 256 .191 4 0.07 10 0.18 47 2 19 0.33 12 29 41 0.72 129.5 2.3
7 Bayli Fearnow So RS 16 27 4 0.15 11 26 -.269 3 0.11 1 0.04 52 8 48 1.78 0 0 0 0.00 5.0 0.2
8 Victoria Bush So MB 16 47 50 1.06 48 197 .010 4 0.09 0 0.00 64 8 13 0.28 3 34 37 0.79 70.0 1.5
9 Sydney Harmon Fr MB 16 35 27 0.77 12 89 .169 2 0.06 5 0.14 58 9 20 0.57 5 21 26 0.74 47.5 1.4
10 Jill Brown So OH 15 54 74 1.37 25 256 .191 5 0.09 10 0.19 185 14 162 3.00 7 18 25 0.46 100.0 1.9
11 Jackie Friel So S 16 60 13 0.22 5 91 .088 328 5.47 18 0.30 1 0 147 2.45 0 1 1 0.02 31.5 0.5
12 Autumn Taylor Fr OH 16 60 159 2.65 68 431 .211 4 0.07 11 0.18 209 13 157 2.62 8 14 22 0.37 185.0 3.1
14 Maddie Price So DS 16 59 4 0.07 1 20 .150 127 2.15 8 0.14 60 4 156 2.64 0 0 0 0.00 12.0 0.2
15 Darrian Mowery Fr MB 15 53 192 3.62 32 402 .398 24 0.45 0 0.00 13 3 39 0.74 6 37 43 0.81 216.5 4.1
Totals     16 60 694 11.57 306 2069 .188 643 10.72 86 1.43 1027 80 1074 17.90 43 175 131 2.17 910.5 15.2
Opponent     16 60 606 10.10 300 1919 .159 568 9.47 101 1.68 - 116 1000 16.67 63 120 123 2.05 830.0 13.8
Download roster: VRO (First Last) | VRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score s k e ta pct a sa se r re digs bs ba be tot bhe pts
Aug 25 at Morton College W, 3-0 3 38 10 94 .298 35 9 4 41 1 62 6 6 4 9 1 56.0
Aug 30 Kellogg Community College W, 3-2 5 54 25 153 .190 52 6 6 82 3 90 3 16 8 11 7 71.0
Aug 31 South Suburban College W, 3-0 3 34 13 79 .266 30 9 8 37 4 54 2 4 4 4 0 47.0
Sep 2 vs. Harper College L, 3-0 3 35 13 104 .212 32 1 4 63 5 65 0 15 10 8 2 43.5
Sep 2 vs. College of DuPage W, 3-1 4 57 11 132 .348 50 6 6 69 7 79 1 9 6 6 4 68.5
Sep 3 vs. Rock Valley College L, 3-2 5 57 20 172 .215 55 7 7 76 9 89 3 10 1 8 3 72.0
Sep 3 vs. Joliet Junior College W, 3-0 3 35 11 77 .312 32 8 8 38 5 54 4 6 1 7 5 50.0
Sep 6 at Lake Michigan College W, 3-1 4 48 14 138 .246 46 7 9 66 5 90 1 12 6 7 2 62.0
Sep 8 Jackson College W, 3-0 3 33 19 84 .167 30 4 4 44 2 26 5 8 1 9 2 46.0
Sep 9 at Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-1 4 55 9 138 .333 52 5 5 67 9 76 4 7 9 8 6 67.5
Sep 13 at Lansing Community College L, 3-2 5 47 34 171 .076 44 2 5 90 11 77 1 8 3 5 1 54.0
Sep 15 Kalamazoo Valley Community College W, 3-0 3 36 10 80 .325 32 3 8 44 2 38 2 8 7 6 2 45.0
Sep 17 vs. Glen Oaks Community College W, 3-0 3 44 9 96 .365 43 4 3 38 3 59 0 10 3 5 2 53.0
Sep 17 vs. Henry Ford College W, 3-0 3 35 11 99 .242 34 6 4 44 5 55 2 8 1 6 4 47.0
Sep 20 at Glen Oaks Community College W, 3-0 3 40 14 105 .248 36 3 4 43 2 57 3 8 6 7 1 50.0
Sep 22 Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-1 4 39 27 156 .077 35 6 6 88 5 74 4 16 9 12 2 57.0
Sep 27 at Muskegon Community College L, 3-0 3 23 17 109 .055 22 3 2 62 8 60 1 10 7 6 1 32.0
Sep 29 at Kellogg Community College W, 3-0 3 46 14 130 .246 43 7 2 53 4 79 0 8 6 4 6 57.0
Oct 1 vs. College of DuPage W, 3-0 3 34 14 117 .171 29 3 3 48 3 75 5 14 3 12 3 49.0
Oct 1 at Oakton Community College W, 3-0 3 39 11 89 .315 36 6 3 35 1 51 5 6 3 8 2 53.0
Oct 1 vs. South Suburban College W, 3-0 3 43 17 104 .250 42 5 1 47 1 64 2 10 3 7 0 55.0
Oct 6 Lake Michigan College W, 3-1 4 57 24 163 .202 56 4 1 67 3 93 4 12 5 10 0 71.0
Oct 11 at Jackson College W, 3-1 4 59 20 136 .287 53 8 7 49 2 70 6 6 3 9 1 76.0
Oct 13 Lansing Community College W, 3-0 3 43 10 115 .287 40 3 1 51 2 63 2 12 7 8 5 54.0
Oct 18 at Kalamazoo Valley Community College W, 3-1 4 40 13 107 .252 33 8 4 51 9 50 9 18 8 18 2 66.0
Oct 20 Glen Oaks Community College W, 4-0 4 43 24 135 .141 39 10 5 55 2 62 1 14 5 8 2 61.0
Oct 25 at Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-1 4 33 24 140 .064 31 9 3 95 13 70 0 11 9 6 6 47.5
Oct 27 Muskegon Community College L, 3-1 4 53 17 147 .245 51 3 6 87 7 75 1 8 12 5 12 61.0
Nov 4 vs. Oakland Community College W, 3-2 5 61 17 199 .221 57 5 8 88 5 120 4 14 1 11 6 77.0
Nov 5 vs. Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-0 3 40 15 129 .194 40 3 5 75 4 68 2 6 1 5 6 48.0
Nov 5 vs. St. Clair County Community College W, 3-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Nov 5 vs. Muskegon Community College L, 3-0 3 30 12 103 .175 29 3 2 65 5 54 0 4 0 2 6 35.0
m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
Total 31 111 1331 11.99 499 3801 .219 1239 11.16 166 1.50 1858 147 2099 18.91 83 304 235 2.12 1732.0 15.6
Conference 16 60 694 11.57 306 2069 .188 643 10.72 86 1.43 1027 80 1074 17.90 43 175 131 2.17 910.5 15.2
Exhibition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 9 33 392 11.88 169 1112 .201 365 11.06 48 1.45 555 30 575 17.42 24 98 73 2.21 513.0 15.5
Away 11 40 468 11.70 180 1357 .212 431 10.78 67 1.68 652 65 742 18.55 36 100 86 2.15 621.0 15.5
Neutral 11 38 471 12.39 150 1332 .241 443 11.66 51 1.34 651 52 782 20.58 23 106 76 2.00 598.0 15.7
Wins 22 77 974 12.65 320 2570 .254 900 11.69 129 1.68 1157 80 1467 19.05 71 216 179 2.32 1282.0 16.6
Losses 9 34 357 10.50 179 1231 .145 339 9.97 37 1.09 701 67 632 18.59 12 88 56 1.65 450.0 13.2
August 3 11 126 11.45 48 326 .239 117 10.64 24 2.18 160 8 206 18.73 11 26 24 2.18 174.0 15.8
September 15 53 630 11.89 233 1791 .222 586 11.06 72 1.36 885 82 978 18.45 31 143 103 1.93 804.5 15.2
October 10 36 444 12.33 174 1253 .215 410 11.39 59 1.64 585 43 673 18.69 35 111 91 2.51 593.5 16.5
November 3 11 131 11.91 44 431 .202 126 11.45 11 1.00 228 14 242 22.00 6 24 18 1.64 160.0 14.5
Date Opponent Score Attend
Aug 25 at Morton College W, 3-0 0
Aug 30 Kellogg Community College W, 3-2 0
Aug 31 South Suburban College W, 3-0 0
Sep 2 vs. Harper College L, 3-0 0
Sep 2 vs. College of DuPage W, 3-1 0
Sep 3 vs. Rock Valley College L, 3-2 0
Sep 3 vs. Joliet Junior College W, 3-0 0
Sep 6 at Lake Michigan College W, 3-1 0
Sep 8 Jackson College W, 3-0 0
Sep 9 at Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-1 0
Sep 13 at Lansing Community College L, 3-2 0
Sep 15 Kalamazoo Valley Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 17 vs. Glen Oaks Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 17 vs. Henry Ford College W, 3-0 0
Sep 20 at Glen Oaks Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 22 Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-1 0
Sep 27 at Muskegon Community College L, 3-0 0
Sep 29 at Kellogg Community College W, 3-0 0
Oct 1 vs. College of DuPage W, 3-0 0
Oct 1 at Oakton Community College W, 3-0 0
Oct 1 vs. South Suburban College W, 3-0 0
Oct 6 Lake Michigan College W, 3-1 0
Oct 11 at Jackson College W, 3-1 0
Oct 13 Lansing Community College W, 3-0 0
Oct 18 at Kalamazoo Valley Community College W, 3-1 0
Oct 20 Glen Oaks Community College W, 4-0 0
Oct 25 at Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-1 0
Oct 27 Muskegon Community College L, 3-1 200
Nov 4 vs. Oakland Community College W, 3-2 0
Nov 5 vs. Grand Rapids Community College L, 3-0 0
Nov 5 vs. St. Clair County Community College 3-2 Win -
Nov 5 vs. Muskegon Community College L, 3-0 0