2013-14 Volleyball Statistics - Lorain County Community College

Kills per set
Hitting %
Assists per set
Blocks per set
Service Aces per set
Digs per set
Team Summary
Title Record
Overall 28-15 (.651)
Conference 5-7 (.417)
Streak Lost 2
Home 14-3
Away 6-4
Neutral 8-8
Recent Results
Date Opponent Result
Oct 25 Columbus State Community College L, 3-0
Oct 26 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-2
Nov 2 Montgomery College (MD) W, 3-2
Nov 2 vs. Butler County Community College - PA W, 3-0
Nov 3 vs. Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-0
Nov 3 vs. Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-2
Team Stats
Statistics Overall Conf
Matches 43 3rd 12 15th
Sets 139 6th 43 10th
Kills 1505 8th 510 9th
Kills per set 10.83 10th 11.86 8th
Errors 638 6th 224 8th
Total Attacks 4140 8th 1579 5th
Hitting Percentage .209 6th .181 8th
Assists 1134 10th 404 13th
Assists per set 8.16 15th 9.40 11th
Service Aces 234 6th 46 17th
Service Errors 243 9th 71 13th
Service Aces per set 1.68 10th 1.07 17th
Receptions 2166 8th 839 4th
Reception Errors 181 9th 56 11th
Digs 2128 10th 895 3rd
Digs per set 15.31 14th 20.81 3rd
Block Solo 276 2nd 106 4th
Block Assist 423 5th 179 2nd
Block Total 488 1st 196 2nd
Blocks per set 3.51 2nd 4.55 2nd
Block Errors 252 3rd 102 2nd
Ball Handling Errors 5 20th 1 17th
Points 2226.5 5th 751.5 5th
Points per set 16.0 4th 17.5 3rd
Home Attendance 0 7th 0 6th
Home Attendance average 0 7th 0 6th
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
1 Hannah Pinkie So OH 35 109 385 3.53 109 1004 .275 6 0.06 14 0.13 248 20 219 2.01 37 38 75 0.69 455.0 4.2
2 Gabrielle Woods Fr OH 39 118 192 1.63 88 527 .197 11 0.09 5 0.04 29 2 104 0.88 31 61 92 0.78 258.5 2.2
3 Paige Elias Fr DS/L 39 119 7 0.06 6 31 .032 2 0.02 41 0.34 444 27 246 2.07 2 0 2 0.02 50.0 0.4
5 Melissa Randolph Fr DS 18 29 0 0.00 1 12 -.083 0 0.00 7 0.24 91 11 51 1.76 0 0 0 0.00 7.0 0.2
6 Rachael Bolmeyer Fr DS/L 29 88 6 0.07 4 38 .053 1 0.01 14 0.16 352 31 218 2.48 0 0 0 0.00 20.0 0.2
7 Katlynne Baker Fr OH/DS 39 116 211 1.82 118 660 .141 1 0.01 27 0.23 175 25 200 1.72 10 14 24 0.21 255.0 2.2
8 Andria Velez Fr DS/L 38 120 5 0.04 9 56 -.071 2 0.02 32 0.27 704 46 523 4.36 0 0 0 0.00 37.0 0.3
10 Katarina Kovach So S/RS 39 121 170 1.40 82 537 .164 513 4.24 45 0.37 30 5 199 1.64 11 78 89 0.74 265.0 2.2
12 Stephanie Mims Fr S/DS 20 31 1 0.03 0 2 .500 110 3.55 10 0.32 11 0 35 1.13 0 0 0 0.00 11.0 0.4
13 Kaylynn Parker Fr RS 26 44 5 0.11 3 22 .091 2 0.05 0 0.00 5 1 24 0.55 2 12 14 0.32 13.0 0.3
15 Brenna Villwock Fr MH 39 123 284 2.31 132 696 .218 5 0.04 24 0.20 26 5 77 0.63 93 116 209 1.70 459.0 3.7
17 Kara Szabo Fr MH 39 123 212 1.72 81 486 .270 0 0.00 0 0.00 23 5 58 0.47 89 100 189 1.54 351.0 2.9
32 Katie Green Fr S 37 110 27 0.25 4 68 .338 480 4.36 14 0.13 2 0 166 1.51 1 4 5 0.05 44.0 0.4
Totals     43 139 1505 10.83 638 4140 .209 1134 8.16 234 1.68 2166 181 2128 15.31 276 423 488 3.51 2226.5 16.0
Opponent     43 139 1038 7.47 497 3051 .177 902 6.49 134 0.96 - 115 1715 12.34 193 108 247 1.78 1419.0 10.2
# Name Yr Pos m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
1 Hannah Pinkie So OH 12 43 153 3.56 47 442 .240 3 0.07 3 0.07 102 7 106 2.47 18 16 34 0.79 182.0 4.2
2 Gabrielle Woods Fr OH 12 40 66 1.65 33 195 .169 6 0.15 0 0.00 14 2 42 1.05 11 31 42 1.05 92.5 2.3
3 Paige Elias Fr DS/L 12 42 3 0.07 4 17 -.059 0 0.00 8 0.19 168 8 120 2.86 0 0 0 0.00 11.0 0.3
5 Melissa Randolph Fr DS 5 8 0 0.00 1 5 -.200 0 0.00 0 0.00 29 1 15 1.88 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.0
6 Rachael Bolmeyer Fr DS/L 7 24 2 0.08 2 13 .000 0 0.00 0 0.00 127 8 89 3.71 0 0 0 0.00 2.0 0.1
7 Katlynne Baker Fr OH/DS 12 42 67 1.60 37 259 .116 1 0.02 6 0.14 91 10 90 2.14 4 10 14 0.33 82.0 2.0
8 Andria Velez Fr DS/L 11 40 2 0.05 2 21 .000 0 0.00 7 0.17 246 13 198 4.95 0 0 0 0.00 9.0 0.2
10 Katarina Kovach So S/RS 12 43 44 1.02 27 178 .096 204 4.74 14 0.33 12 1 79 1.84 6 24 30 0.70 76.0 1.8
12 Stephanie Mims Fr S/DS 4 8 0 0.00 0 1 .000 17 2.13 2 0.25 6 0 13 1.63 0 0 0 0.00 2.0 0.3
13 Kaylynn Parker Fr RS 8 15 1 0.07 2 7 -.143 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 0 9 0.60 1 5 6 0.40 4.5 0.3
15 Brenna Villwock Fr MH 12 43 95 2.21 43 256 .203 1 0.02 5 0.12 10 3 30 0.70 34 48 82 1.91 158.0 3.7
17 Kara Szabo Fr MH 12 43 75 1.74 23 172 .302 0 0.00 0 0.00 6 0 27 0.63 32 45 77 1.79 129.5 3.0
32 Katie Green Fr S 12 40 2 0.05 2 12 .000 171 4.28 1 0.03 1 0 69 1.73 0 0 0 0.00 3.0 0.1
Totals     12 43 510 11.86 224 1579 .181 404 9.40 46 1.07 839 56 895 20.81 106 179 196 4.55 751.5 17.5
Opponent     12 43 485 11.28 240 1324 .185 412 9.58 57 1.33 - 39 654 15.21 86 63 118 2.73 659.5 15.3
Download roster: VRO (First Last) | VRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score s k e ta pct a sa se r re digs bs ba be tot bhe pts
Aug 24 Southern State Community College W, 3-0 3 35 12 68 .338 28 8 7 39 3 33 7 2 3 8 0 51.0
Aug 24 OSU - Mansfield W, 3-0 3 36 16 73 .274 30 13 6 42 3 45 7 5 11 10 0 58.5
Aug 27 at Mercyhurst North East W, 2-0 2 13 6 38 .184 22 14 4 19 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 27.0
Aug 27 vs. Community College of Beaver County W, 2-0 2 21 8 33 .394 13 16 6 12 0 19 3 5 0 6 0 42.5
Aug 30 vs. Mott Community College L, 3-0 3 26 19 75 .093 16 3 8 64 10 36 5 0 4 5 0 34.0
Aug 30 vs. Genesee Community College W, 3-1 4 49 18 119 .261 31 6 9 59 13 67 10 12 6 16 0 71.0
Aug 31 vs. Hagerstown Community College L, 3-2 5 56 31 161 .155 41 11 7 92 6 121 6 7 3 10 0 76.5
Aug 31 vs. Jackson College L, 3-0 3 39 20 95 .200 31 3 6 60 7 56 6 2 6 7 0 49.0
Sep 4 Owens Community College L, 3-0 3 35 24 111 .099 35 3 2 66 3 58 4 17 10 13 0 50.5
Sep 6 at Edison State Community College L, 3-2 5 63 34 212 .137 48 7 10 92 5 145 12 22 8 23 0 93.0
Sep 7 at Sinclair Community College L, 3-0 3 28 13 98 .153 21 0 3 68 7 55 6 18 6 15 0 43.0
Sep 11 at Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-0 3 53 13 128 .313 42 2 3 53 1 67 4 13 8 11 1 65.5
Sep 13 vs. St. Clair County Community College L, 2-0 2 23 6 70 .243 14 0 5 44 1 34 4 5 0 7 0 29.5
Sep 13 vs. Sinclair Community College L, 2-0 2 14 7 51 .137 12 6 5 38 5 28 3 9 11 8 0 27.5
Sep 13 vs. Lake Michigan College W, 2-0 2 27 10 62 .274 19 5 4 30 0 26 2 7 4 6 0 37.5
Sep 13 vs. Genesee Community College W, 2-0 2 35 7 65 .431 19 0 8 29 0 31 7 4 1 9 0 44.0
Sep 14 vs. Notre Dame College JV W, 2-0 2 31 7 66 .364 25 5 6 31 1 30 3 7 2 7 0 42.5
Sep 14 vs. Mercyhurst North East W, 2-0 2 32 9 71 .324 22 5 5 35 1 38 5 9 3 10 2 46.5
Sep 14 vs. Schoolcraft College W, 2-1 3 40 9 89 .348 26 2 7 49 5 25 3 17 9 12 0 53.5
Sep 14 vs. Sinclair Community College L, 2-0 2 24 11 68 .191 15 0 5 43 1 33 5 13 7 12 0 35.5
Sep 18 Lakeland Community College W, 3-0 3 39 24 129 .116 30 9 8 55 1 73 6 2 5 7 0 55.0
Sep 20 at Columbus State Community College L, 3-0 3 26 11 93 .161 18 1 6 65 2 40 9 14 6 16 0 43.0
Sep 21 at Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 3 39 19 114 .175 26 4 6 63 11 43 10 15 10 18 2 60.5
Sep 23 Notre Dame College JV W, 3-1 4 60 34 158 .165 45 10 11 81 8 54 11 16 1 19 0 89.0
Sep 25 at OSU - Lima W, 3-1 4 53 26 147 .184 42 10 10 70 6 54 14 10 7 19 0 82.0
Oct 2 at Walsh College JV W, 3-2 5 60 27 190 .174 35 9 6 87 4 72 9 26 14 22 0 91.0
Oct 5 Notre Dame College JV W, 3-0 3 42 17 103 .243 29 6 4 42 5 51 8 12 1 14 0 62.0
Oct 5 Cleveland State Club W, 3-0 3 35 20 106 .142 28 9 5 52 8 59 9 6 3 12 0 56.0
Oct 9 Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-1 4 44 17 123 .220 34 4 5 53 2 66 17 15 9 25 0 72.5
Oct 11 Edison State Community College W, 3-1 4 60 21 155 .252 43 7 4 81 7 85 14 25 11 27 0 93.5
Oct 12 Sinclair Community College L, 3-0 3 42 14 122 .230 36 3 6 71 3 75 10 6 7 13 0 58.0
Oct 14 Mercyhurst North East W, 2-0 2 24 5 49 .388 19 10 7 16 1 12 4 1 6 5 0 38.5
Oct 14 Case Western Reserve Club W, 2-1 3 28 12 91 .176 19 5 5 41 10 49 7 9 7 12 0 44.5
Oct 16 at Lakeland Community College W, 3-2 5 52 25 181 .149 45 9 10 85 8 104 8 11 7 14 0 74.5
Oct 19 Notre Dame College JV W, 3-0 3 48 19 129 .225 41 10 6 51 7 61 7 6 8 10 0 68.0
Oct 19 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 3 52 12 109 .367 39 5 5 47 3 63 9 8 14 13 0 70.0
Oct 23 at Owens Community College L, 3-1 4 42 16 134 .194 36 1 8 85 7 84 6 16 18 14 0 57.0
Oct 25 Columbus State Community College L, 3-0 3 26 12 93 .151 16 0 6 65 10 43 10 20 7 20 0 46.0
Oct 26 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-2 5 53 27 161 .161 43 13 9 91 6 70 6 31 9 22 0 87.5
Nov 2 Montgomery College (MD) W, 3-2 5 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Nov 2 vs. Butler County Community College - PA W, 3-0 3 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Nov 3 vs. Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-0 3 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Nov 3 vs. Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-2 5 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
m s k k/s e ta pct a a/s sa sa/s r re digs d/s bs ba tot b/s pts pts/s
Total 43 139 1505 10.83 638 4140 .209 1134 8.16 234 1.68 2166 181 2128 15.31 276 423 488 3.51 2226.5 16.0
Conference 12 43 510 11.86 224 1579 .181 404 9.40 46 1.07 839 56 895 20.81 106 179 196 4.55 751.5 17.5
Exhibition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Home 17 57 659 11.56 286 1780 .210 515 9.04 115 2.02 893 80 897 15.74 136 181 227 3.97 1000.5 17.6
Away 10 37 429 11.59 190 1335 .179 335 9.05 57 1.54 687 51 687 18.57 78 145 151 4.07 636.5 17.2
Neutral 16 45 417 9.27 162 1025 .249 284 6.31 62 1.38 586 50 544 12.09 62 97 111 2.46 589.5 13.1
Wins 28 90 1061 11.79 420 2757 .232 795 8.83 196 2.18 1313 114 1320 14.67 190 274 327 3.63 1584.0 17.6
Losses 15 49 444 9.06 218 1383 .163 339 6.92 38 0.78 853 67 808 16.49 86 149 161 3.28 642.5 13.1
August 8 25 275 11.00 130 662 .219 212 8.48 74 2.96 387 42 400 16.00 44 33 61 2.42 409.5 16.4
September 17 48 622 12.96 264 1732 .207 459 9.56 69 1.44 912 58 834 17.38 108 198 207 4.31 898.0 18.7
October 14 50 608 12.16 244 1746 .208 463 9.26 91 1.82 867 81 894 17.88 124 192 220 4.40 919.0 18.4
November 4 16 0 0.00 0 0 - 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Date Opponent Score Attend
Aug 24 Southern State Community College W, 3-0 0
Aug 24 OSU - Mansfield W, 3-0 0
Aug 27 at Mercyhurst North East W, 2-0 0
Aug 27 vs. Community College of Beaver County W, 2-0 0
Aug 30 vs. Mott Community College L, 3-0 0
Aug 30 vs. Genesee Community College W, 3-1 0
Aug 31 vs. Hagerstown Community College L, 3-2 0
Aug 31 vs. Jackson College L, 3-0 0
Sep 4 Owens Community College L, 3-0 0
Sep 6 at Edison State Community College L, 3-2 0
Sep 7 at Sinclair Community College L, 3-0 0
Sep 11 at Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 13 vs. St. Clair County Community College L, 2-0 0
Sep 13 vs. Sinclair Community College L, 2-0 0
Sep 13 vs. Lake Michigan College W, 2-0 0
Sep 13 vs. Genesee Community College W, 2-0 0
Sep 14 vs. Notre Dame College JV W, 2-0 0
Sep 14 vs. Mercyhurst North East W, 2-0 0
Sep 14 vs. Schoolcraft College W, 2-1 0
Sep 14 vs. Sinclair Community College L, 2-0 0
Sep 18 Lakeland Community College W, 3-0 0
Sep 20 at Columbus State Community College L, 3-0 0
Sep 21 at Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 0
Sep 23 Notre Dame College JV W, 3-1 0
Sep 25 at OSU - Lima W, 3-1 0
Oct 2 at Walsh College JV W, 3-2 0
Oct 5 Notre Dame College JV W, 3-0 0
Oct 5 Cleveland State Club W, 3-0 0
Oct 9 Cuyahoga Community College W, 3-1 0
Oct 11 Edison State Community College W, 3-1 0
Oct 12 Sinclair Community College L, 3-0 0
Oct 14 Mercyhurst North East W, 2-0 0
Oct 14 Case Western Reserve Club W, 2-1 0
Oct 16 at Lakeland Community College W, 3-2 0
Oct 19 Notre Dame College JV W, 3-0 0
Oct 19 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-0 0
Oct 23 at Owens Community College L, 3-1 0
Oct 25 Columbus State Community College L, 3-0 0
Oct 26 Cincinnati State Technical & CC W, 3-2 0
Nov 2 Montgomery College (MD) W, 3-2 0
Nov 2 vs. Butler County Community College - PA W, 3-0 0
Nov 3 vs. Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-0 0
Nov 3 vs. Montgomery College (MD) L, 3-2 0